proven tactics to meet your project's unique needs

hands-on, personalized service

Our diverse team comprises of individuals with both creative and analytical skills, ensuring the production of visually appealing and content that is effectively disseminated. Emphasizing the collaborative nature of marketing, we incorporate a startup approach to drive innovation and foster creativity.

Providing remote services worldwide

navigating the consumer experience

Our customer journey analysis involves analyzing the steps customers take from initial awareness to purchase. It often includes creating visual representations in the form of ‘funnels’ to identify patterns in consumer behavior and optimize marketing strategies.

We develop an effective strategy so that your company is seen online by the right people at the right time
Make Digital Marketing a Priority
We develop an effective strategy so that your company is seen online by the right people at the right time
We create a tone of voice that will resonate with your target audience what sets you apart from your competitors
Establish Your Brand Voice
We create a tone of voice that will resonate with your target audience what sets you apart from your competitors
We choose the correct way to promote your star product or your flagship service
Boost Your Marketing Strengths
We choose the correct way to promote your star product or your flagship service
We advise you on the use of the most advanced technologies available in the marketing industry
Find The Right MarTech Stack
We advise you on the use of the most advanced technologies available in the marketing industry

Frequently Asked

Digital marketing is what we at Keenfunnel live and breathe. The world is digital, and our digital marketing covers all online marketing agency services available. Digital marketing channels are inclusive of all online marketing services, such as search engines, social media, affiliate websites, and so much more. Digital marketing agencies elsewhere enable your brand to increase their online visibility, targeting the audience that is tailor specific to you and your business, while boosting your search authority and getting you recognition.

While Internet marketing certainly uses some of the same elements of more traditional, offline marketing, Internet marketing has its own nuances.

Perhaps the most apparent is immediacy—you can get an advertisement on the web in a few hours if you’re willing to take the time and spend the money. The Internet is certainly fast, however, that also extends to the rate at which it changes.

For instance, less than a decade ago, social media was only used by a handful of users worldwide. Now, it’s the primary way Internet users spend their time, and is also an extremely profitable marketing channel.

A thoroughly planned online marketing strategy from an agency with years of experience can bring huge benefits to your business. When it comes to digital reach, the opportunities are limitless, allowing you to reach audiences beyond your local vicinity, with global prospects. Digital marketing lets you maximise your business visibility across wide varieties of markets and audiences to reach your customer base. Assisted by online metric tools, digital marketing agencies can track, measure, and clearly quantify your results, allowing you to formulate your next business move.


One of the most exciting aspects of the Internet is the wide variety of marketing opportunities available to business owners. From SEO to PPC to social media, the options are plenty—and growing.

That being said, there’s no one way that works best for every company. While we typically recommend a variety of strategies and channels, some work better within certain industries than others. The only way to find out which ones perform best for your business is through trial and error.

Unlike traditional marketing, there are quite a few ways to start marketing online for free. Doing search engine optimization, or SEO, requires investments of only time and energy if you have a website, and all social media platforms are completely free to join.

That being said, if you want to maximize your online potential, you will likely need to invest some money in professional Internet marketing. Most business owners and traditional marketers do not have extensive knowledge of SEO, PPC, and other strategies that help sites succeed in the increasingly competitive online market.

The Internet is a great way to spread information about your company, and some of the fastest (and cheapest) ways to do so are posting on social media and maintaining a company blog. However, those strategies only work if you regularly maintain a presence.

There’s no magic number of weekly posts you need to hit, but you should create a plan and stick to it. Your followers will appreciate a sense of regularity, especially since it means that you’ll post content that interests them—not just content that you create to sell them specific products or services.

Digital marketing services are not only for the larger companies. All business are digital.

Think about digital marketing. The first industries that come to mind might be retail, health, education, entertainment, real estate, finance, technology… At Keenfunnel, we know that this is not the case. All businesses can benefit from digital marketing, and if you don’t, you’ll fall behind.

Searching for an agency near you is a counterproductive move. With online marketing, the world really is your oyster and how close a marketing agency is to you doesn’t have to come into the equation. Your chosen agency should have a passionate, highly trained team who have insight into your unique business goals. At Keenfunnel, we work with clients internationally. By getting in touch, we can happily discuss the next steps needed to get you on board with the best digital marketing agency in the business. Let’s go.

Ideally, your Internet-based and traditional marketing strategies should work together seamlessly. If your branding is clear and consistent across all of your marketing materials, this is relatively simple.

However, if you want to combine your strategies in the most effective way possible, you’ll need to ensure that you track everything. And while measuring and analyzing online efforts is much simpler, this blog post will help you get started. Once you have a clear way to look at all of your marketing efforts as a whole, you’ll be able to see what’s working—and what isn’t.

From there, you can eliminate the ineffective methods and know for a fact that your strategy only includes the most effective strategies from both online and offline options.

Today’s consumers are online, and if you’re not there for them, you run the risk of becoming obsolete. Traditionalists may want to stick to marketing in print publications, through direct mail and/or via billboards, but it’s a dangerous decision.

To compete in today’s world, you simply have to be a part of the Internet, and that includes Internet marketing. Whether you choose to work with an agency or take a more DIY approach, you should (at the very least) maintain a website with basic information and ways to contact you.

We won’t beat around the bush. Every business’ digital marketing budget is going to differ depending on a variety of factors relating to your business. From your objectives and goals to your target audience, performance indicators, marketing budget and the scope of the online marketing strategy, the amount you should spend on digital marketing is unique for every company. Some sources suggest that it is advisable to spend 50% of your marketing budget on digital, while others recommend investing 80-100% of your marketing budget.

If you eliminate the methods that aren’t effective, you’ll have more money to spend on the ones that are. As a result, you won’t actually need to spend any more than you already do on marketing—you’ll just reallocate it.

Internet marketing is starting to be taught in many institutes of higher education, but you don’t have to go back to school to find out how to use Internet marketing strategies for your company. 

For more detailed information on growing traffic, generating revenue, and improving your overall marketing strategy, you may also want to check out our knowledge base.

You can measure just about every aspect of your Internet marketing, but that sometimes makes it difficult to pick out the metrics that are truly important. Instead of trying to do it all, pick a few key performance indicators, or KPIs, and monitor them regularly.

If you’ve chosen the right KPIs, it will be easy to tell whether or not your marketing efforts are successful. And if you’re working with an agency, they should be willing to generate regular reports for your company using these metrics.